The former British Honduras, which has been known as Belize for more than three decades, is a spectacular paradise for travelers from around the globe who love the authentic atmosphere of an exotic country that knows how to leave a lasting impression. The great advantage of Belize is the official language – English. Although many people also speak Spanish, there will never be a problem finding your way through the stunning world of Belize with English. By now, you are probably wondering one thing: What do I need to know about Belize? Let’s see…where to begin…
The size of Belize? Compare it to Israel or the state of New Jersey
Belize is a relatively small country, its area is about equal to the size of Salvador, Israel, or the state of New Jersey in the United States. On this small area, there is actually an incredible amount of ancient Maya ruins, national parks, and natural attractions. In a single week, you can manage to see all of the most interesting places in the country, but two weeks would give you a much better chance to get to know Belize a bit deeper. There is a spirit in the country that fills both visitors and residents with an air of relaxation and the desire to find pleasure in life. It is also good to know that unlike the situation in Mexico, you will not spend your time driving place to place instead of enjoying the wild splendor of the country. Everything is close!

Location of Belize (Google Maps)
Mix of great diving and rich history
Why should you pick Belize over any other exotic locale? The unique combination of exotic elements that Belize offers is probably the best reason. The crystal blue expanse of the sea is combined with the Belize Barrier Reef, which is praised as being one of the best places to dive in the whole world. This magical country is also a utopia for lovers of snorkeling. Just thirty minutes away from the sea, you can experience the completely different atmosphere of the giant remains of Altun Ha. Another two and half hours of driving and you find yourself in the cave of Actun Tunichil Muknal, which the Maya people considered to be the entrance to the Underworld – Xibalba. People interested in history will have a wealth of opportunities to enrich their general knowledge of a truly fascinating culture.

Remains of huge Maya city of Caracol (Profimedia)
Delicious food, lovely people
Simple but delicious dishes are the main fare in Belize. The benefits this sort of cuisine offers is that good feeling of healthy and fresh food that we so rarely get in our overprocessed commercialized food brands. Belizean cuisine represents an incredible mix of many cuisines, but the delectable dishes are not too complicated to re-create once you get home. However, although the food is great, the most essential quality that makes the country wonderful is its people. The naturally friendly nature of the local people is something that is quite difficult to find in most places in the world. In Belize, we have it everywhere.