Belize is our passion and we truly love every detail of this majestic nation, both big and small. It is a small country with incredible potential and we are keen to cooperate with anyone and anything that is connected with Belize in any way. Cross-linking is possible and completely welcome. We are also ready to cooperate with groups and activities that promote travel within other countries in Central America. Contact us and let us know more about your project, company, or any idea connected with a possible cooperation.
Travel agencies
Do you have clients requesting a personalized vacation in Belize and the surrounding areas? Perfect! You have a customer and we have a vast scope of knowledge and personal experience. Trips tailored to someone’s wishes are actually our specialty. As you were the lucky ones to find the client, we are happy to stay in the background and prepare a trip for your client. It’s a wise to choice to do a little bit of good old outsourcing…why wouldn’t you use the help of someone who knows the country well and has a much better chance of satisfying the needs of even the most demanding clients. You will have a satisfied customer and save yourself dozens of hours of work. Furthermore, introducing people to Belize is more fun than work for us. We do it quickly, effectively, and for a reasonable price.
Charities and natural reserves
We care about Belize. We want to support projects that are helping Belize to be a nicer, greener, and happier country for everyone. Belizean forests and Maya heritage are things that need to be well guarded and secured. However, if someone has a problem with feeding himself, he usually doesn’t care for these sorts of things. That is where Belize can use your help. Do you want to volunteer in Belize? We will try our best to find you a project where you can participate in some way.
Money obviously helps. Even a small amount of money may significantly help to change the country for the better. Perhaps you have some idea of which way you’d like to help. Do you want to help save endangered species? Keen to protect Maya monuments? Do you care about the rainforest? What about helping the poorest villages in Belize where rice and beans are still a luxury? Ask us and we will direct you to the people who are actually helping to make those changes. We don’t take any commissions; any help we can provide to Belize is our pleasure.